There are a number of ways you can advertise with NGINA.
Magazine — our industry-specific publication, N&G News, is produced in-house and is full of sector news, industry-associated feature stories, technical articles, new member profiles and lots more. A well-respected magazine, it attracts a highly targetted audience within the horticulture industry of 4000+.
eNews — our fortnightly enewsletter includes a CEO update, topical news, relevant issues, events and training information, and is emailed to all our full financial member organisations and their staff (approx 750 people). Advertising in our eNews is available to NGINA partners only.
Website — advertise employment opportunities in the 'Latest Industry Jobs' section of our website with our Job Ad Package. The package also includes a mention in our fortnightly eNews and a Facebook post. Our website traffic is over 30,000 per month.
Social Media - NGINA has a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Podcasts and Tiktok. We have a combined following 6200+ and growing every day!
For more information on any of the above, please take a look at our rate card and N&G News publishing schedule.