What’s personally rewarding AND contributes to the health and wellbeing of our environment and community?
A Career In Horticulture!
How to get started?
Contact Steve from TAFE NSW (RTO NO: 90003)
Steve Rixon 0410 455 960 or stephen.rixon@tafensw.edu.au
Steve is the head teacher for Horticulture!
A career in horticulture can be self fulfilling while having a positive impact on society through the creation of liveable cities, providing healthy environments, protecting natural habitats, securing Australia’s food security, and supporting the physical and mental health of Australians.
You'll enter an industry that is full of opportunity and variety!
What is Horticulture?
Horticulture is the science of growing plants—this includes flowers, trees, grass, seed collection, fruit and veggies. A horticulturist might work in a production nursery, a garden centre or retail nursery, which sells plants to consumers and commercial clients such as landscape designers. Some might work in parks and gardens, while others might be involved in research and development or discovering new species of plants.
Learn to Grow
A career in the nursery and garden industry has many learning pathways, limited only by your interests and motivation.
You can enter the industry by:
- applying for a role within a business or
- gaining a formal qualification from an education institute.
You can even work and get qualified at the same time!
Businesses in this industry prefer to hire apprentices/workers and upskill them internally. You will gain experience across the whole business before moving into skilled roles in a specific stream of work.

There is a role for everyone!
For the Outdoors Types
Horticulturist, nursery assistant or nursery manager, arborist, bushland officer, floriculturist, forestry worker, gardener, landscaper, groundskeeper, parks officer, plant propagator, retail nursery worker, turf grower.
For the Scientists
Horticultural researcher or scientist, agronomist, plant breeder, tissue culture specialist, biosecurity officer, botanist, educator, entomologist, environmental scientist, plant pathologist, botanical data specialist, green wall technology specialist, irrigation technician, lab technicians, plant collector, archivist, curator, environmental restorator, plant cytologist.
For the Tech Lovers
Engineer, IT engineer, machinery operator, mechanic, robotics, drones, spray technician, tractor/forklift operator, welder.
For the Environmentalists
Horticulturist, arborist, agronomist, biologist, botanist, forestry worker, landscape architect or designer, natural landscape manager, urban forester, therapeutic gardening, environmental policy, town planning.
For the Creative Types
Horticultural journalist, brand specialist, garden designer, landscape architect, marketer, plant blogger, radio broadcaster, TV presenter, social media strategist, influencer, botanical artist, habitat creation.
For the Leaders
Business manager, nursery manager, grower integration manager, HR manager, open space manager, pest health manager, plant production manager, logistics manager, product development manager, business development, purchasing officer, retail manager, supply chain manager, urban forest manager, venue manager.
For the Number Crunchers
Accountant, agricultural economist, contract manager, logistics scheduler, WHS representatives, payroll officer, quality assurance, trade policy.
Some of the courses available for the nursery and garden industry include:
- Certificate III in Horticulture
- Certificate III in Production Nursery
- Certificate III in Retail Nursery
- Certificate III in Arboriculture
- Bachelor of Horticulture
- Bachelor of Agricultural Science
- Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
- Bachelor of Applied Science
- Graduate Diploma Horticulture
- Master of Urban Horticulture
- Master of Agricultural Science
Customise your career with TAFE NSW
C III Nursery Operations vs C III Horticulture
Help us future proof our industry by Enrolling an Apprentice | Join in from anywhere in NSW!*
Australia's staggering skills shortages
Since 2015-16 there has been an estimated 22% increase in sales but not a corresponding increase in employment within the industry. 52% of horticultural farmers experienced increased difficulty recruiting.
Engage an apprentice
Employing an apprentice comes with government assistance plus gives employees an opportunity to learn new skills, develop their talent and grow their career. They will also bring new skills and knowledge to your business.
Future proof our workforce
Horticulture is one of the fastest-growing industries in Australia, and this sector plays an important role in delivering economic, social and environmental value. We have a responsibility to ensure it is future proofed.
C III Nursery Ops Vs Horticulture
What course do I enrol students into?
C III Nursery Ops
- Is the registered qualification for apprentices
- Is the only qualification that provides specialist skills to be a grower or retailer
- Provides industry with workers/tradespersons that are technically competent and confident to solve problems
- Only Flexible based model that provides practical choices on when, where and how to study.
- Completely customised. (Tutorials/local TAFE access/virtual/online/ workbased)
- Only course that value adds to the qualification by improving business outcomes
- Utilises industry experts throughout the course
- Places both student and employer at centre of decision making to provide the best possible outcome.
- Provides an environment that Increases student participation through NextGen, Trade Day, industry visits, Ask an Expert and exposure to industry leaders.
The C III Horticulture does not provide any of these choices or outcomes. It is designed to develop general skills and knowledge but does not specialise in any Horticulture related field. THAT'S why we have specific courses in Production Nursery/Retail Nursery/Parks & Gardens/Landscaping/Conservation & Environmental Management/Arboriculture and Landscape Design/Industry specific short courses.
Industry can have direct input to any changes to improve nursery outcomes - the nursery industry owns this qualification!

How is it customised?
Delivery is designed to meet the demands of the nursery industry, be flexible and responsive, whilst maintaining quality training. When developing customised programs we consider the needs of the business/employer and the Apprentice.
Choose your own adventure by combining any number of the following options:

How to get started?
Contact Steve from TAFE NSW (RTO NO: 90003)
Steve Rixon 0410 455 960 or stephen.rixon@tafensw.edu.au
Steve is the head teacher for Horticulture!