Policy Work
Recently we have made the following submissions:
Nursery & Garden Industry Structure Review
Review of Nursery Award
We have been working in conjunction with Australian Business Lawyers (ABL) as part of our membership of the NSW Business Chamber to assist us in the two year review of the Awards that we manage with our membership. The primary award is the Nursery Award and since its inception in 2010 there are clauses in it that relate to the transitional arrangements from the various State Awards.
The main review is to ensure that changes to these clauses do not bring about any misinterpretation of the awards application. A submission has already been made that dismisses many of the ambit claims that the union wants to insert into awards.
The final submission will go to the Exposure Draft which will be submitted soon. The State and National CEO’s of the NGI have been reviewing the documents so there has been really strong representation nationally on this review.
As part of the development of the materials to support the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015, a number of discussion papers on proposed management relating to certain/specific situations posing a biosecurity risk have been posted for public comment by NSW DPI on how best to achieve a regulatory framework that can respond to and manage biosecurity risks.The NGINA reviewed 8 discussion papers with 3 formal submissions regarding: Weeds; Abandoned and Neglected Horticultural Enterprises and Citrus Red Mite, whilst 5 submissions (Banana Industry, Beekeeping in NSW, Grapevine Phylloxera, Potato Industry and Queensland Fruit Fly) were made online via the “survey monkey”.
The 3 formal submissions can be found below with support for improved resources, education of the general public, support for a registration and education scheme for the nursery and garden industry to reduce the potential biosecurity risk for NSW.
- Response to Neglected and Abandoned Horticultural Enterprises Discussion Paper December 2015 - NGINA Submission
- Response to Weed Discussion Discussion Paper After December 2015 - NGINA Submission
- Response to Citrus Red Mite Discussion Paper After December 2015 - NGINA Submission
- Issues with AHC Training Package for Review 2015 NGINA letter
- Certificate II in Production Nursery (Commented by Des Boorman) Nov 2015
- Certificate III in Production Nursery (Commented by Des Boorman) Nov 2015
- Certificate IV in Production Nursery (Commented by Des Boorman) Nov 2015
- AHCPCM 403 Implement an IPM program (Commented by Des Boorman) Nov 2015
- AHCPCM 503 Develop an IPM program (Commented by Des Boorman) Nov 2015
- Agrifood APPENDIX 4 pg 23-25 (Commented by Des Boorman) Nov 2015
NGIA Structure Review
Previous submissions:
- Road and Safety Remuneration Tribunal - NGINA Submission
- Road and Safety Remuneration Tribunal - Small Business Commissioner
- Agriculture Industry Action Plan
- Water Sharing Plan Review to the Natural Resources Commission
- A Ministerial Review Into Agricultural Education
- Response to the NSW Governmnent Education and Communities Office of Education on Smart & Skilled
- Round Two Application for the Energy Efficiency Information Grants