Got a question you can't find an answer to? Need to talk to a human? Just want to chat?
Help is just a phone call away
Our opening hours are: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
To head to a specific department, please see our team below:

Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT Ltd
ABN: 36 001 075 574

Suites 3–5, First Floor, 4 Nelson Street
Let's socialise! Are you following NGINA?
To head to a specific department, please see our team below:
Find a Member
Looking for a supplier? Need some transport? Want to find a specialist?
Our members are a talented bunch and we can't wait for you to meet and
connect with them. Head to our find a member page to search for a
member or please feel free to call our office if you need help tracking
down something specific.