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Study Tour Scholarship

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show and Nursery Tours

NSW Local Land Services is partnering with the NGINA to offer 5 fully subsidised study tours for apprentices currently enrolled in Nursery Operations in NSW or the ACT. The purpose of a Study Tour is to learn and gain new skills and knowledge. 5 deserving apprentices will fly to Melbourne on Thursday 21 March and attend the Melbourne and International Flower and Garden Show. In the afternoon we will visit an award winning production nursery before making it to our accommodation in Dandenong. On Friday 22 March we will visit 2 more production nurseries and Garden City Plastic’s state of the art manufacturing plant before flying back to the embarking airport.

The scholarship includes flights to and from Melbourne, accommodation, meals and transport while in Melbourne and entrance to the Melbourne and International Flower and Garden Show

The nominee must be currently enrolled as an apprentice in Nursery Operations (retail or production). They must be able to demonstrate satisfactory progress throughout their apprenticeship, including meeting the required competencies and achieving the necessary milestones.

Apply today by completing our application form!