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Welcome to the heart of the Nursery & Garden Industry for NSW & ACT
We are the peak representative body for the greenlife industry in this vibrant region!


Since 1947 the Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT Ltd (NGINA) has been the peak representative body for the nursery and garden Industry in NSW & ACT, and consists of members from many sectors of the industry.

Events, Training & Professional Development

Networking, learning, professional development, support, growth & Connectivity. There are so many reasons why you should be involved in our upcoming events and trainings. Click an event below to find out more information and book in, or simply click here to go to our bookings page.
Not showing the event your looking for? Some of our events and training are for Members only. Members can head to our members only page to have access to all events!

Events & Training

Sydney Trade Day 1

Sydney Trade Day: Members and first time visitors come for free!

Sydney Trade Day 2

Regional Trade Days

Sydney Trade Day 5

Contact training@ngina.com.au to register your interest

Sydney Trade Day 7

More information on Agskilled funding and course dates will be released to members soon!

Sydney Trade Day 4

Held the fourth Wednesday of every month. 

Creating a Colourful World (Instagram Post)

NGINA Industry Awards & Gala Night. 22 November, hosted by Costa Georgiadis. Get tickets to the awards night here! | Nominate for an award here | Vote for the peoples choice here

Sydney Trade Day 9

Held the last Friday of every month.

Become a member

Align yourself with a reputable industry body by becoming a member of the Nursery & Garden Industry. Being a member comes with an abundance of benefits:
Knowledge, Connectivity, Growth, Savings, Representation, Recognition and support. Find out more here:

Trade Day

Trade day is a trade only plant market, held in Sydney monthly, Northern Rivers bi-annually and Port Macquarie yearly. Our Trade Days connect growers and allied suppliers with buyers from across NSW and ACT.

Trade Day provides buyers with access to top quality greenlife and allied nursery supplies at the best prices. Our exhibitors span the eastern seaboard, from Queensland, through NSW and into Victoria, and stock a diverse range of plants from every climate.

We wouldn't be here without
Our Partners

NGINA would like to thank our industry partners for their generous support.
Click on their profiles in the slide below to visit their website.

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Together we grow
So, how can we help?

You heard it here first
Check out what our members have to say about us

"NGINA has always been very helpful for The Green Gallery over the years that we have been members. There are a bunch of in-house resources as well as people that can help you out directly, or point you in the right direction. We will be a member of NGINA for as long as we will be a nursery in business."

Jeremy Critchley
The Green Gallery

"As a small industry it is imperative that we work together and NGINA helps do this by providing training, advice, trade days and functions where we can get together and share ideas and knowledge. I believe, we are all in this together."

Engall's Nursery

"NGINA allows us an opportunity to network with other nurseries and industry peers"

Greener Growth Nurseries